
by Scarin


by Seadhgosa


by RogerRamjet


by OJwithpulp


by Pandafilando


by madmann


by Markipoos


by madcnut


by JayKapoor


by Cobravision


by hoozits


by Cobravision


by forbes


by ComradeZombie


by forbes

And the winner is ...

Congrats, antebellum13. You win money.

by antebellum13

Want in on this?

Next week's contests:

  1. If We Really Didn't Care What Our Co-Workers Thought About Us
  2. Video Games from the Point of View of the Villain
  3. The Biggest Controversies of the Distant Future

There are three contests for you to choose from. Click on the prompt that catches your fancy, and post your entry in the thread, or submit to all three and triple your chances of becoming rich and famous. Winner gets 5,000 pennies.

send to AirPlay!